Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Board certified by the American Board of Surgery
Fellowship trained in Cosmetic and Breast Surgery

Aesthetics Fellow
Plastic Surgery Associates
Baker/Gordon/Stuzin/Baker Clinic
Miami, FL
Chief Resident - Plastic Surgery
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Madison, WI
Junior Resident - Plastic Surgery
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Madison, WI
Chief Resident - General Surgery
East Carolina University School of Medicine,
Greenville, NC
Junior Resident - General Surgery
East Carolina University School of Medicine,
Greenville, NC
Transplant Research Fellow
East Carolina University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery
Division of Transplantation and Immunology
Greenville, NC
Internship - General Surgery
U.S. Air Force Medical Center Keesler
Keesler Air Force Base, MS
University of South Carolina School of Medicine,
Columbia, South Carolina
Doctor of Medicine
Clemson University, B.S. zoology, cum laude
Clemson, South Carolina
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Member, 2005-present.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, candidate 2003-2005.
American College of Surgeons, Fellow, 1998-present.
American College of Surgeons, candidate group/associate fellow, 1990 - 1998.
Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons, 1996-1999.
The Rheologic and Patency Benefits of Microsurgical Anastomosis of the Hepatic Artery in Pediatric Split Liver Transplantation;
First Place, Microsurgery Section, Plastic Surgery Senior Residents; Conference, Providence, RI March 30, 2001
Honorable discharge, Major, United States Air Force Reserves, Medical Corps, July 23, 1999.
Meritorious Service Medal, United States Air Force, Barksdale AFB, LA, June 16, 1999.
U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, 2nd Bomb Wing, Barksdale AFB, LA, 1998.
"Reversal of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Four Animal Models by Pancreatic Islet Transplantation" Third Place,
Residents Competition Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Chapter, American College of Surgeons Myrtle Beach, SC July
11, 1992.
Named to the "Trauma Team of the Month," at the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C., November 1991,
December 1991.
Honorable discharge, Captain, United States Air Force Reserves, Medical Corps, July 1, 1990.
U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB, MS, 1990.
Scholarship, The Presbyterian Church, Basking Ridge, NJ, 1987-1988.
Special recognition award for tutoring elementary school Mathematics and English at the Epworth Childrens' Home, Columbia
SC, August 1986 - June 1988.
Douglas scholarship, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, 1986-1987.
Named to the Outstanding Young Men of America, 1986-1987.
Vice-President, University of South Carolina School of Medicine class of 1989, 1985-1986.
U.S. Air Force Commission, Second Lieutenant, May 1985.
U.S. Air Force ROTC scholarship, March 1980 (accepted).
U.S. Navy ROTC scholarship, March 1980 (declined).
Private Practice in Plastic Surgery, Advanced Cosmetic Surgery, 29 Rocky Slope Road, Greenville, SC 29607, 2001 - present.
Contributing author and editor, Current Surgery, 1998 - present.
Clinical Instructor of Surgery, Louisiana State University Medical Center-Shreveport, 1997 - 1999.
Chief, General Surgery Clinic, United States Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base, LA 1998-1999.
Chairman, Tumor Board, 2nd Medical Group, Barksdale Air Force Base, LA 1996 – 1999.
Staff General Surgeon, United States Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base, LA 1995 - 1999.
Research Assistant, Childrens' Cancer Research Laboratory, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, 1987-1988.
Nursing Assistant, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ, January 1983 - August 1983.
McFadden TC Current Concepts in Breast Reconstruction Vital Signs Greenville Hospital System Quarterly Medical Journal
Vol 2, No. 3 Fall 2002 p. 11
McFadden TC Face Facts-Things to Know When Considering Cosmetic Surgery-Focusing on Facelifts Upstate Womens' Magazine
July 2002 p. 24
McFadden TC, Hoffman MG, Michalko K, Gutowski KA Appropriate choices in breast reconstruction: part 6 of the 6-part series
on current concepts in breast reconstruction Current Surgery 2001 Nov; 58(6): 532-44
McFadden TC, Hoffman MG, Robinson DA, Gutowski KA. Silicone breast implants;Are they associated with connective tissue
disease?: part 5 of the 6-part series on current concepts in breast reconstruction. Current Surgery 2001 Sept-Oct, 58(5):
McFadden TC, Hoffman MG, Robinson DA, Gutowski KA Alternative flaps as secondary approaches to breast reconstruction:
part 4 of the 6-part series on current concepts in breast reconstruction Current Surgery 2001 Jul-Aug; 58(4):364-75
Snow S, Madjar DD, Hardy S, Bentz M, Lucarelli MJ, Bechard R, Aughenbaugh W, McFadden T, Sharata H, Dudley C, Landeck
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma: report of 13 cases and review of the literature. Dermatologic Surgery 2001 Apr 27:401-8
McFadden TC, Robinson DA, Gutowski KA. Comparison of costs of immediate vs delayed breast reconstruction: part 3 of the
6-part series on current concepts in breast reconstruction. Current Surgery 2001 May;58(3):270-275.
McFadden TC, Gutowski KA. Breast reconstruction after breast conservation therapy: part 2 of the 6-part series on current
concepts in breast reconstruction. Current Surgery 2001 Mar;58(2):146-155.
McFadden TC, Gutowski KA. Benefits of skin-sparing mastectomy: part 1 of the 6-part series on current concepts in breast
Current Surgery 2001 Jan;58(1):32-38.
McFadden T, Bandow G, Warner T, Madjar D, Snow S, Hardy S Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma of the Nose-A Case Report and
Review of the Literature Annals of Plastic Surgery (submitted for publication)
McFadden T Cholecystitis EmergencyRoom.Net Mar 1999
McFadden T Appendicitis EmergencyRoom.Net Oct 1998
McFadden T (evaluator) Surgical Resident Curriculum, 2nd edition Published by The Association of Program Directors
in Surgery, Arlington, Virgina 1995.
Pittman K, Henretta J, McFadden T, Thomas J, Thomas FT Prevention of Primary Nonfunction of Xenograft Islets. Transplantation
Proceedings 26(3):1141-2, 1994 June
Henretta J, McFadden T, Pittman K, Thomas J, Thomas F Six to Eight Month Survival of Discordant Pig Islet Xenografts
Documented by Differential Species, Insulin, and C-peptide in Animals Given Short-term Immunosuppression. Transplantation
Proceedings 26(3):1138-9, 1994 June.
Henretta J, Pittman K, McFadden T, Thomas F Successful Discordant Pancreatic Islet Xenotransplantation by Prevention
of Primary Nonfunction Graft Rejection and Autoimmune Disease Recurrence. Transplantation Proceedings 26(3):1133-4, 1994
Thomas F, Pittman K, McFadden T, Haisch C, Peterson R, Thomas J. Reversal of Type II Diabetes by Pancreas Islet Transplant
in Four Animal Models of Type II Diabetes. Transplantation Proceedings 25(1 Pt 2):992-993, 1993 February.
Pittman K, Thomas F, McFadden T, Haisch C, Thomas J. Reduction in Primary Nonfunction of Pancreas Islet Transplants
With Antithymocyte Globulin Agents, Deoxyspergualin, and Splenectomy. Transplantation
Proceedings 25 (1 Pt 2):986-7, 1993 February.
Henretta J, Pittman K, McFadden T, Thomas J, Thomas F. Deoxyspergualin and Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin Markedly Prolong
Discordant Pig Pancreatic Islet Xenografts. Transplantation Proceedings 25(1 Pt 1):412-3, 1993 February.
Araneda D, DeMasi R, McFadden T, Thomas F. Effect of Recipient Strain Variation on Cardiac Xenograft Survival. Transplantation
Proceedings 24(2):633-4, 1992 April.
Minimally Invasive Facelift & Cranial Reconstruction; sponsored by the South Carolina Association of Registered Nurses,
Upstate Chapter, Easley, SC, March 28, 2005.
Lasers in Cosmetic Surgery; sponsored by Sciton Corporation, Charlotte, NC, February 12, 2005.
Lasers in Cosmetic Surgery; sponsored by Sciton Corporation, Columbia, SC, May 15, 2004.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Face; Greenville Dental Society, Greenville, SC May 4, 2004.
Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation and Body Contouring; Womens' Health Symposium sponsored by the Greenville Hospital System,
Greenville, SC May 17, 2003
Midfacial Maxillofacial Trauma; Symposium sponsored by Greenville Hospital System/Synthes Maxillofacial, Greenville,
SC November 9, 2002
The Treatment of Skin Cancer; Skin Cancer Symposium sponsored by Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Greenville, SC
June 27, 2002
Initial Evaluation of Maxillofacial Trauma; Department of Surgery Trauma Conference, Greenville Hospital System, Greenville
Memorial Hospital, Greenville, SC February 18, 2002
The Rheologic and Patency Benefits of Microsurgical Anastomosis of the Hepatic Artery in Pediatric Split Liver Transplantation;
Plastic Surgery Research Council, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI April 21, 2001
The Rheologic and Patency Benefits of Microsurgical Anastomosis of the Hepatic Artery in Pediatric Split Liver Transplantation;
Senior Residents Conference, Brown University, Providence, RI March 29, 2001
"Abdominal Trauma: Primary Management" Second Medical Group, Second Dental Squadron Barksdale AFB LA May
13, 1999
"Gastroesophageal Reflux: Spectrum of Management from Primary Care to the Operating Room" Second Medical Group,
Second Medical Operations Squadron Barksdale AFB LA November 20, 1996
"Abdominal Trauma During the Golden Hour" Second Medical Group, Second Medical Operations Squadron Barksdale
AFB LA November 29, 1995
"Reversal of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Four Animal Models by Pancreatic Islet Transplantation" Annual Meeting
of the North Carolina Chapter, American College of Surgeons Myrtle Beach, SC July 11, 1992.
"Reversal of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Three Animal Models by Pancreatic Islet Transplantation" Thirty Fourth
Annual University Surgical Residents Conference Society of University Surgeons University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati, OH February 15, 1992.
"Deoxyspergualin, Antithymocyte Globulin, and Splenectomy Markedly Prolong Discordant Pig Islet Xenografts"
Thirty Fourth Annual University Surgical Residents Conference Society of University Surgeons University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine Cincinnati, OH February 15, 1992.
"Effect of Recipient Strain Variation on Cardiac Xenograft Survival" First International Congress on Xenotransplantation
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN August 25, 1991.
"Reduction of Primary Nonfunction in Discordant Pancreas Islet Xenografts" First International Congress on
Xenotransplantation University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN August 25, 1991.
"Reversal of Type II Diabetes in Zucker Rats by Xenogeneic Pancreas Islet Transplantation" First International
Congress on Xenotransplantation University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN August 25, 1991.
"Prolonged Survival of Discordant Pancreas Islet Xenografts: A Potential Treatment for Type I Diabetes" Resident
Research Day East Carolina University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Greenville, NC June 14, 1991.
FAMILY: wife Catherine, daughter Caroline, son Thomas III
INTERESTS: Computers, all sports, especially tennis, golf, and an avid Clemson and Carolina football fan.